May 9, 2007
McKinney, TX
I wish the weather would have been nicer for the last two weeks. It seems like every day since we've been in McKinney has been the same: hot, humid, cloudy and/or rainy. We had another series of severe thunderstorms roll through last night about 3 AM, with heavy rain and strong winds. The power went out about 4 times for only 2-3 minutes each time. Alyson (our niece) would have enjoyed it; she's planning to study meteorology in college starting in the fall.
Anyway, the lousy weather has kept me from two tasks I'd planned to work on while we were parked: cleaning the outside of the coach and taking some photos. While the heavy rain has taken most of the road dirt off the vehicles, I'd really planned to spend a few hours each day doing some exterior polishing. I find that I'm better at it if I allocate a specific period of time and don't try to do everything all at once.
On the photo front, I wanted to take some pictures of the downtown area here in McKinney, first because it's interesting and second to familiarize myself with the new camera, but didn't feel like getting rained on in the process. I'll hold off until we get to Alabama. I want to make sure I'm ready to take some pictures at Alyson's graduation on the 18th.
I'll start posting a few photos today, using the Picasa tool from Google, and providing the link here. There's also a "blog this" feature to create a blog entry from an album (as opposed to manually creating the blog entry like I'm doing now), so I'll try that later.
Here's a link to a small album:
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