July 11, 2007
Boothbay, ME
Those who have met our dogs generally know that they're pretty good about their food. They tend to eat together and, although Maya likes to pick which bowl she'll eat from (being the alpha), there is never a conflict at feeding time.
Greenies (a pet treat) are another story, though. Maya likes to eat her Greenie as fast as possible and Merlin likes to play with his. This allows Maya to steal Merlin's if he' not paying attention (or even if he is). When this happens, we have to chase Maya (usually under a bed) and retrieve Merlin's treat.
Well, it happened again today. They were both on the couch and I thought I'd be right on top of it and get Merlin's Greenie from Maya before she had a chance to run with it. BAD IDEA. As soon as I went in, they both started snarling. As I pulled Merlin's piece from Maya's mouth, she came down hard on my thumb, cutting a nasty gash about 1/2" long on the face of the finger and crushing the nail on the other side. Lesson learned: let the alpha have the darn treat!

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