Summer Travel Map

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Counting down the days

April 6, 2008
Peoria, AZ

There’s nothing much new to report, as we’re counting down the days toward our departure for the summer. Geri’s dental work is healing well, if slowly. We’ve started organizing things that need to be moved into the coach, which we’ll do over the next couple of weeks.

Wednesday was a “coach day” as planned. We brought it over to the house and I was able to knock off a half-dozen things on the to-do list. We’ve got a lot to do before we go, so we’ve blocked off 1-2 days/week for that. I’ll save the cleaning tasks, especially the exterior, for closer to our departure since the storage place is pretty dusty.

Thursday turned out to be an “inside day”. We both tackled projects that we primarily driven in the study. I was able to develop a schedule for estimated taxes and set up laddered CDs to fund taxes, as well as Geri’s fall dental work and my HCSA (health care savings account). I also spent time managing the eBay process. Once you get the hang of it, invoicing, packaging and shipping is a kind of assembly line operation. I’ve been saving packing materials for a while (yeah, the UPS guy does stop here), but had to buy a few boxes and a bag of “peanuts”. Prices for this stuff are through the roof! In the afternoon, for a change of pace, I went to the dentist for cleaning. Thank goodness everything is OK; we couldn’t stand having both of us “under reconstruction” at the same time.

Friday, we did some more packaging in the morning and Geri had a follow-up with the dentist in the afternoon. We used the opportunity to tie in some shopping in that area (have to save gas where you can these days).

Over the weekend, we relaxed and tried to tie up loose ends. Things are looking good, although I need to get back to the travel schedule and plan to get us to Connecticut via Alabama and the Philly area. I also need to wrap up the eBay stuff since everything sold needs to be shipped before we leave. I’ll post the last of this “batch” tomorrow.

That’s it for now…

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