Summer Travel Map

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory

Friday 6/19

Went downtown to explore and get a free parking pass, we stopped to have lunch at a place called Klondike BBQ Salmon and rib place. We split a fish and chips lunch of halibut. It was wonderful, just because it was so fresh and I didn’t have to cook it. Then we went touring to a place called Miles Canyon, where George went to take some beautiful pictures. We had the pups with us so took them for a walk around the parking area. Canyons are so beautiful but I have this thing about them, its called fear! From there we headed to the Interpretive Center, where we learned about the mammoths and other animals which are now extinct, like beavers which were larger then bears. We learned about a continent that no longer exists, it’s was called Beringia, and was in between Canada and Asia which were all one continent. Then we went next store to the Transportation museum, not my area of interest but what the hay, it has some interesting things to see like the Gift shop which I browsed and promptly walked out due to sticker shock.

We were boon docking at Wal-mart so we headed back to drop off the pups and go to a brewery to check out the local brews , never got there due to George got to doing stuff for the next day’s departure. We sat down to dinner and low and behold its 8PM and the sun is shining we thought we’re having lunch! There’s no TV or internet, so I started another book. We were just settling down for the night when we heard a noise. We looked out the window and it was a pickup truck with a cap had just pulled up to park for the night as well, it was an older couple that proceeded to remove everything from the back of the truck, hoses, bags of assorted other things, the man climbed into the back and was handing all this stuff to his wife who did the moving it to various sides of the front of the truck, the last thing to be moved up front was 2 fishing poles, she placed in the front and locked the front of the truck went around climbed in herself and promptly closed the back and there you have it folks “camping in the wilderness”, or at Wal-mart. Lots of the RV’s we’ve seen on this trip say “Alaska bound” on their windows, Alaska or bust, one couple from Florida got married and planned their honeymoon to Alaska via RV.

So there you have it folks my little contribution to the blog !

1 comment:

John and Kathy said...

Enjoying your post, don't know if you saw the earlier comment, we followed some of the same trail you are on last year, want some picture check out, have fun