Summer Travel Map

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

South Dakota - Wyoming - Montana Travels

August 31, 2010
Little Bighorn National Monument, Montana

Today was an OK day for me and a boring one for Geri. She's been a real sport about this year's cross-country trek, which has been interesting in some ways but, hey, how many corn, soybean and hay fields can you see before you go nuts? I've been breaking it up with Halls of Fame and the odd historical monument. She's still searching for a good mani-pedi.

So, we survived the thunderstorms last night at Rocky Point SRA in South Dakota. The morning started out clear and cool, and we were on the road early, heading northwest. We crossed through the extreme northeast corner of Wyoming and made some good progress through Montana.

We stopped for lunch at the Little Bighorn National Monument (previously known as the Custer Battlefield National Monument, but renamed in 1991), and I spent a couple of hours walking through the National Cemetery and the Memorial, and listened to the Ranger Talk.

Click here for pictures.

Late in the afternoon, we continued our westward travels, stopping for the night just short of Billings on I-90. We did see the largest "Oversize Load" ever, along the way, though...

This thing was two flatbeds wide and had about 15 axles on the trailer.  120 tires on the ground!  No idea how much it weighs or what it was; thought they moved all the nuclear waste by rail.  As you can see, everyone had to pass on the right shoulder (we were next), as it was traveling about 20 MPH down I-90.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A world's largest and I missed it. Nice photos and maybe Geri needs rose colored glasses