Summer Travel Map

Monday, September 26, 2011

Buffalo Roundup

September 26, 2011
Custer State Park, South Dakota

Today we went to the annual Buffalo Roundup.  The State maintains a herd of buffalo in Custer State Park.  Once a year, they round most of them up and prep the herd for winter.  Inoculations are made, some animals are identified to be culled and sold, and everything is inventoried.  And, for the past 40+ years, it's been a public spectacle.  These days, they should really call it the "people roundup", since there are 1,300 buffalo and estimates ranging from 20-40,000 spectators. 

The festivities began at 9:30 AM but parking opened at 6:15, so we were up at oh-dark-thirty and on the road to the Park, pups walked and watered, lunch packed, and cameras ready.  It's about a 45 minute drive to the Park, but we ran into a long line of cars and busses and the last 3-4 miles took nearly an hour.  We were parked by 8:30, so there was no pressure.  We found the best spot we could, packed in about 5-deep along the ridge overlooking the corrals, and settled in.  We were soon rewarded with the sight of the herd coming right toward us. 

The corrals were prepared and waiting for the herd.

"Watch your step"!

The crowd was ready.  We were in the "North Viewing Area"; the "South Viewing Area" is across the valley.

Geri's ready!

We were right behind the area designated for the Press.

"Spike" was ready...

Al Jazeera was represented...

And here comes the herd!  

Maybe it's not quite right to use trucks instead of horses?  Especially when someone's exhaust starts a small brush fire for extra excitement?
We hung around after waiting for the outbound traffic (this event generates more visitors than the Park sees all year, so traffic management isn't one of the staffs' strong suits) to subside.  We ate lunch and watched a lone antelope check us out.  

The herd was all rounded up...

...and this poor guy just wanted us to leave so he could get his pasture back!
After an hour or so, we were able to extricate the Rover and head home.  After a short nap, we did a little pre-travel preparation and then went out for a nice (albeit expensive) dinner at Dakotah Steakhouse, right near "home".  Tomorrow, we'll finish up and head west...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are right more people than buffalo -- cross that off the bucket list :-)