Summer Travel Map

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Heading South - Again...

October 16, 2011
Salinas, California

Today, we were up a little later than planned, but we had an easy driving day.  We were all set to travel around 10:30, and soon heading south.  We cut across to I-80, then immediately exited for I-680, which we followed south all the way to San Jose (no, we weren't singing) and US-101.  Continuing south, we were soon exiting in Salinas, heading for the local Elks Lodge.  We were soon parked for the night.  We're only here for one night as we continue south.  Geri made a great "quick sauce" with linguini for dinner that went nicely with a cheap Chianti from Whole Foods (not quite 2-Buck Chuck).  We'll call it an early night and then continue south to Atascadero (and Paso Robles wine country) tomorrow...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes you are enjoying the slow journey back to AZ. We love the wine country when we lived in CA and just hopefully can take it in next spring on the way up to the nortwest.