Summer Travel Map

Thursday, July 31, 2008

On the road again!

July 31, 2008
Sunbury, OH

We're back on the road, and our blog updates will therefore return to their focus on our travels. Yeah! We thoroughly enjoyed our stay in Connecticut, and we're glad we were able to catch up with everyone there and attend the various family events this summer. Of course, as hard as it is to say "so long", we're also glad to be back on the move. We seem to have "waited out" the peak fuel prices, which we didn't see coming (I'd budgeted for ever-increasing prices). Bonus!

Our route for the next week takes us back to "Interstate driving" for a while. As much as we like to stay off the Interstates, the most direct route to where we're going took us from Hartford via I-91 and I-84, which we followed to Pennsylvania. A quick leg south on I-81 brought us to I-80, which we followed all the way to Ohio. We picked up I-76 where it crosses I-80 (no Ohio Turnpike tolls for us on this trip), then turned south on I-71 to tonight's stop. We're essentially doing a "stair step" route south and west for a while; we'll pick up I-70 west tomorrow and follow that for a while.

Tonight's stop is at our favorite truck stop chain, Flying J. They're the most RV-friendly, and it's easier than ever to find a relatively quiet spot to park overnight. We topped off the tank (first fuel stop since May; not bad), heated up dinner (Costco rotisserie chicken - planning ahead), and popped the cork on a nice cheap red wine. Time to call it a night!

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