Summer Travel Map

Friday, May 21, 2010

Erik's Graduation

May 21, 2010
Albertville, AL

In spite of 36 hours of thunderstorms and threatening skies all morning, the clouds disappeared and the sun shone for Erik's High School Graduation. Even though the school and surrounding grounds were heavily damaged in a F-3 tornado less than a month earlier, the community did a great job of recovering and making sure that everything was in place for the festivities. We attended along with quite a few other family members, including Erik's aunts and families, who traveled from Florida and North Carolina.

The graduation itself was a smooth and relatively quick affair, with over 200 graduates involved. Things went off without a hitch and, before we knew it, tassels were switched and caps were in the air. Fantastic!

Click here for a photo album with more pictures...

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